Turns out the voice of Sora himself Haley Joel Osment didn't even know Kingdom Hearts 4 is in development, so we can probably expect to wait a while longer for it

Kingdom Hearts 4 was announced over two years ago, but apparently no one took the time to tell Sora’s English voice Haley Joel Osment.Back in April of 2022, for Kingdom Hearts’ 20th anniversary, Square Enix finally revealed that Kingdom Hearts 4 was in the works. It wasn’t a surprise that a new game is in the works, Kingdom Hearts 3 ended on quite the cliffhanger and Melody of Memory set that up even further, but in a recent interview with IGN, Sora’s voice actor Haley Joel Osment shared that he didn’t actually know the game was in development. “I hope that we hear something about [Kingdom Hearts 4] sometime soon, I guess it’s rumored that there’s going to be another one,” the actor told IGN.To see this content please enable targeting cookies.Manage cookie settings “I’m always the last to …

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